Entries by Lead Sheep Productions

When to DIY

Last summer, when I was trying to get the cost of building my home down, I told my builder I could paint myself therefore saving thousands. I’ve now spent the last three weeks painting. My shoulders are sore, I have a bruise on my shin from repeatedly hitting the ladder, and I’m wondering what happened to July. A friend asked […]

The Interview

Danie, Amanda, and some of their favorite people attended the Stillwater Rotary Club’s dueling pianos fundraiser, “Shout It Out Stillwater” event last month. Amanda looked around the room and asked Danie, “How many people in this room do you think we have interviewed?” A friend noted the use of the word interviewed instead of filmed. Yes, at […]


In late April a new “friend” popped up in my Snapchat. “My AI” AI or Artificial Intelligence has been a topic for many years. How could it change our everyday lives? Will it replace people in different industries? Will it gain consciousness and take over the world? I admit seeing my new “friend” that I cannot delete and […]

What’s the Story

Does anyone else struggle with what to write in your newsletter? The last two months we have been busy, good busy, but what day is it? I just realized it was almost April and I needed to write a newsletter quickly. But I am suffering from writer’s block staring at that blinking cursor. Then I thought “What I […]

The Best Compliment

The end goal of any project is to have a video, that is what people pay us to do. But just having a video is not our goal. We want our clients to have an amazing experience making the video with us. We recently filmed a personal history with a client who was a little […]

New 2023 Packages

2023 Packages (with options)   You can use video to connect with your audience in so many ways. And each video can be created with many options, from photos to close captioning to hair and make-up. Combining that with Amanda’s top strength of Individualization and creating one-size-fits-all all packages feels impossible. However, we have noticed trends in our […]

The perfect gift for mom and dad

Looking for that perfect gift for a parent or grandparent? How about a Lead Sheep Productions Personal History? So, how does it work? You pick the amount for the gift and send us a few family photos. Then we create a custom DVD with cover art, and that is the “gift card”! You present it to […]

Reaching Big Goals

On September 11, 2022 Amanda reached a BIG goal, making it to all 50 states!  Realizing she had already made it to 28 states in 2016 she started actively trying to get to the rest. The rules for being in a state are that airports or just crossing the border doesn’t count, you actually have […]

We got that b-roll

  This month we filmed for the New Richmond Area Community Foundation. Their video needed to show some of the good work they do for the community, which meant a day of running around town getting B-roll. According to storyninetyfour.com, B-roll is “secondary footage used to provide context and visual interest”. We sometimes refer to it […]

Time Travel

Last month, my mother, sister, and I traveled to Madison, WI, for a celebration of life for a dear family friend. Wende was the daughter of my grandmother’s best friend, Sue. They grew up next door to each other and remained friends through love (she introduced my grandparents), divorce, kids, and grandkids. Though they were not blood, […]