Tag Archive for: video

When to DIY

When to DIY painted room

Last summer, when I was trying to get the cost of building my home down, I told my builder I could paint myself therefore saving thousands.

I’ve now spent the last three weeks painting. My shoulders are sore, I have a bruise on my shin from repeatedly hitting the ladder, and I’m wondering what happened to July. A friend asked me if it was worth it.

Yes and No.

I’m glad I saved the money, have some pride in the work I accomplished, and learned a lot along the way.

But I also wonder how much better it would look had a professional done it. How much money my time invested cost me, and how many nights I will spend with my ice pack on my neck.

People sometimes ask me if they can just do videos for themselves –  and my answer is always “Maybe”.

It depends on your knowledge or desire to learn, how much time you want to invest, and what you are trying to accomplish.

If you do DIY I hope that our tips are helpful. And when you or someone you know decides it’s time to call in the professionals I hope you will give us a call or referral.

The Interview

Danie, Amanda, and some of their favorite people attended the Stillwater Rotary Club’s dueling pianos fundraiser, “Shout It Out Stillwater” event last month.
Amanda looked around the room and asked Danie, “How many people in this room do you think we have interviewed?”
A friend noted the use of the word interviewed instead of filmed.

Yes, at Lead Sheep Productions, we do many types of videos, but Amanda’s gift and focus is always on the interview. How we help our clients be comfortable on camera and share their story, their passion, and their message to their audience.

Danie’s gift is visual, making sure what you see during the interview is not only technically correct but helps tell the story.

We work very collaboratively. Both adding, helping, and inspiring each other on shoot day. But we also know and respect our respective gifts.

What are the gifts you and your team bring to your business, non-profit, or family?
How do you use this collaboration to serve?
And how are you sharing this with your audience?

And how many people had we interviewed in that room?
Dozens! And there are so many more to talk to.


In late April a new “friend” popped up in my Snapchat.
“My AI”

AI or Artificial Intelligence has been a topic for many years.
How could it change our everyday lives?
Will it replace people in different industries?
Will it gain consciousness and take over the world?

I admit seeing my new “friend” that I cannot delete and comes with a warning from Snapchat about the data it is collecting was unnerving.  I have not interacted with it.

However, the truth is I have been using AI in my work for years.

My editing software will help me color correct. Getting close and then allowing me to dial into the right settings. Google helps me create closed captions.
Again, giving me a start that I then correct.
It still needs the human touch.

And while I don’t know where AI is taking us, in both exciting and scary ways.
I know this.

Here at Lead Sheep Productions, we will be adapting to what serves our clients best, helping them navigate this technology while promoting connection and authenticity. And staying true to our core values of connection, creativity, preservation, exceeding expectations, and fun!

What’s the Story

Does anyone else struggle with what to write in your newsletter?
The last two months we have been busy, good busy, but what day is it?
I just realized it was almost April and I needed to write a newsletter quickly. But I am suffering from writer’s block staring at that blinking cursor.

Then I thought “What I would recommend to my clients?”
“What’s the story?”
Story engages, entertains, and gives your audience a peek behind the scenes, so here are some of my favorite stories from the first quarter of 2023.

January Weather
In January we helped document the World Snow Sculpting Championships in Stillwater, MN. We put a GoPro camera on top of Water Street Inn. And it rained, snowed, and sleeted. When I came back to check on the camera it had ice over the lens! Yikes, but the video of it forming was actually pretty cool. See it here.

Our First Road Trip
In February we got to do our first road trip to Oklahoma for two personal histories. 1798 miles, 28 hours in a rental car stuffed with camera gear, we filmed two amazing clients and had countless laughs.

A video producer, an insurance agent, and a pony walk into an office.
It’s not the beginning of a joke. It’s just a day in this crazy amazing career we have chosen. And yes, we made it happen when our client wanted to film a fun commercial to let people know she can insure their farm or ranch. And, thankfully, Glitter the Pony was a very professional actor.
See it here.